50 years for Lidl
A birthday to celebrate – a whole year long.
What do you do when you have something big to celebrate? You invite great people to pop some bottles with you.
And Helene Fischer, Max Giermann, Barbara Schöneberger, Sally, Sascha Hellinger & Alina Bock were more than excited to join the party.
With weekly changing TV-Spots, a YouTube cooking show and countless reels they all made the big year extra special for Lidl.
And a lot of fun for us.
More than paying less.
Creatives Ralf Heuel, Anna-Lena Pittelkow, Matthias Preuß, Oliver Ramm, Lukas Heeckt, Jan Stempfle, Nadine Beßler, Marika Krobbach, Julia Vermölen, Ludwig Neumerkel, Anna Carina Albrecht and many more | Account Dominique Bremer, Fabian Dörr, Verenice Meißner, Tatjana Bähr | Strategy Marina Schäfer, Juliane Grunzke | Client Lidl Deutschland | Agency Grabarz und Partner | Producer Sabine Haslbeck | Production Bubbles Film | Director Matthäus Bussmann / Ben Hartenstein